#PodcastPick – Nobody Panic: How to Care Way Less About Life Milestones

#PodcastPick – Nobody Panic: How to Care Way Less About Life Milestones

By Alys Marshall

Hosted by the extremely likeable duo that’s comprised of Stevie Martin and Tessa Coates, Nobody Panic is dedicated to soothing the anxious nerves of listeners. Each week, these two pals tackle a topic from a ‘how-to’ perspective, including everything from cleaning to dating, entrepreneurship and more - they even take requests!

This week, they took on the millennial obsession with milestones, and the absurdity of comparing our own lives to where our parents were at our age. Simply put, Stevie and Tessa highlight the generational changes which make modern milestones completely arbitrary. Traditional indicators of ‘success’ like marriage and home ownership are no longer applicable or appropriate. Ultimately, success looks different for everyone; it could be waitressing, being a CEO or being a stay-at-home mum. Success is NOT measured by how much sex you’re having, how much you’re earning, or how thin you are.

As always, their discussion is constructive and diplomatic, but also hilarious; they manage to speak from experience without being patronising in any way. The key takeaway is something like this: go at your own pace and ignore what everyone else is doing!

BRB, we’re just off to write that down on every available surface…

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