Poem: Taken to Church

Poem: Taken to Church

by Justina Carmen Aina

I know and understand that it was a one-time, two-time thing,
I feel forsaken,
I was courted and converted,
Although it went against all my core beliefs,
When it came down to it,
We reverted to the ethereal way of being,
It must be the old school influences.

I felt that he matched me,
In strength, confidence and narrative,
He had thoughts that intruded me,
Eyes that drank my body and spirit,
They danced with me,
Drew me in and consecrated me,
Stuck with me for hours religiously,
I was drawn in by the bold soul within the unassuming man.

Now I’ve been cast out,
Single paned windows where there were once stain glass mosaics,
Proudly proclaimed sermons return to me,
Apparitions trailing down my form, jolting me, opening my eye,
I remember the tongues we spoke in, the vigour with which we praised,
Imbued with the blessing of the day, our worship was eloquent and honest.

There were deconstructions of events according to our gospels.

There was the strict and disciplined application of faith. 
Flashes of bodily possession,
Then turned away from the altar.


Justina Aina is an actress, singer and Assistant Producer from London, making her way in the North. You can find her on Instagram (@justienifunmi) and Twitter (@JustinaWithAnA)

Illustration by Kate Webster (@katewebster_kiwi)



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